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TechDocs 配置选项

使用app-config.yaml本页提供 TechDocs 所有可用配置选项的参考。

# File: app-config.yaml

# techdocs.generator is used to configure how documentation sites are generated using MkDocs.

# techdocs.generator.runIn can be either 'docker' or 'local'. This is to determine how to run the generator - whether to
# spin up the techdocs-container docker image or to run mkdocs locally (assuming all the dependencies are taken care of).
# You want to change this to 'local' if you are running Backstage using your own custom Docker setup and want to avoid running
# into Docker in Docker situation. Read more here

runIn: 'docker'

# (Optional) techdocs.generator.dockerImage can be used to control the docker image used during documentation generation. This can be useful
# if you want to use MkDocs plugins or other packages that are not included in the default techdocs-container (spotify/techdocs).
# NOTE: This setting is only used when techdocs.generator.runIn is set to 'docker'.

dockerImage: 'spotify/techdocs'

# (Optional) techdocs.generator.pullImage can be used to disable pulling the latest docker image by default. This can be useful when you are
# using a custom techdocs.generator.dockerImage and you have a custom docker login requirement. For example, you need to login to
# AWS ECR to pull the docker image.
# NOTE: Disabling this requires the docker image was pulled by other means before running the techdocs generator.

pullImage: true

# (Optional) techdocs.generator.omitTechdocsCoreMkdocsPlugin can be used to disable automatic addition of techdocs-core plugin to the mkdocs.yaml files.
# Defaults to false, which means that the techdocs-core plugin is always added to the mkdocs file.
omitTechdocsCorePlugin: false

# (Optional and not recommended) Configures the techdocs generator to
# attempt to ensure an exists falling back to using <docs-dir>/
# or in case a default <docs-dir>/ is not provided.
# Note that behavior
# will be broken in these scenarios.
legacyCopyReadmeMdToIndexMd: false

# (Optional) Configures the default plugins which should be added
# automatically to every mkdocs.yaml file. This simplifies the usage as
# e.g. styling plugins can be added once for all.
# Make sure that the defined plugins are installed locally / in the Docker
# image.
# By default, only the techdocs-core plugin will be added (except if
# omitTechdocsCorePlugin: true).
defaultPlugins: ['techdocs-core']

# techdocs.builder can be either 'local' or 'external'.
# Using the default build strategy, if builder is set to 'local' and you open a TechDocs page,
# techdocs-backend will try to generate the docs, publish to storage and show the generated docs afterwards.
# This is the "Basic" setup of the TechDocs Architecture.
# Using the default build strategy, if builder is set to 'external' (or anything other than 'local'), techdocs-backend
# will only fetch the docs and will NOT try to generate and publish.
# In this case, we assume that docs are being built by an external process (e.g. in the CI/CD pipeline of the repository).
# This is the "Recommended" setup of the architecture.
# Note that custom build strategies may alter this behaviour.
# Read more about the "Basic" and "Recommended" setups here
# Read more about build strategies here:

builder: 'local'

# techdocs.publisher is used to configure the Storage option, whether you want to use the local filesystem to store generated docs
# or you want to use External storage providers like Google Cloud Storage, AWS S3, etc.

# techdocs.publisher.type can be - 'local' or 'googleGcs' or 'awsS3' or 'azureBlobStorage'.
# When set to 'local', techdocs-backend will create a 'static' directory at its root to store generated documentation files.
# When set to 'googleGcs', techdocs-backend will use a Google Cloud Storage Bucket to store generated documentation files.
# When set to 'awsS3', techdocs-backend will use an Amazon Web Service (AWS) S3 bucket to store generated documentation files.

type: 'local'

# Optional when techdocs.publisher.type is set to 'local'.

# (Optional). Set this to specify where the generated documentation is stored.
publishDirectory: '/path/to/local/directory'

# Required when techdocs.publisher.type is set to 'googleGcs'. Skip otherwise.

# (Required) Cloud Storage Bucket Name
bucketName: 'techdocs-storage'

# (Optional) Location in storage bucket to save files
# If not set, the default location will be the root of the storage bucket
bucketRootPath: '/'

# (Optional) An API key is required to write to a storage bucket.
# If missing, GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable will be used.
$file: '/path/to/google_application_credentials.json'

# Required when techdocs.publisher.type is set to 'awsS3'. Skip otherwise.

# (Required) AWS S3 Bucket Name
bucketName: 'techdocs-storage'

# (Optional) Location in storage bucket to save files
# If not set, the default location will be the root of the storage bucket
bucketRootPath: '/'

# (Optional) The AWS account ID where the storage bucket is located.
# Credentials for the account ID must be configured in the 'aws' app config section.
# See the integration-aws-node package for details on how to configure credentials in
# the 'aws' app config section.
# If account ID is not set and no credentials are set, environment variables or aws config file will be used to authenticate.

# (Optional) AWS credentials to use to write to the storage bucket.
# This configuration section is now deprecated.
# Configuring the account ID is now preferred, with credentials in the 'aws' app config section.
# If credentials are not set and no account ID is set, environment variables or aws config file will be used to authenticate.

# (Optional) AWS Region of the bucket.
# If not set, AWS_REGION environment variable or aws config file will be used.
region: ${AWS_REGION}

# (Optional) Endpoint URI to send requests to.
# If not set, the default endpoint is built from the configured region.
endpoint: ${AWS_ENDPOINT}

# (Optional) HTTPS proxy to use for S3 Requests
# Defaults to using no proxy
# This allows docs to be published and read from behind a proxy
httpsProxy: ${HTTPS_PROXY}

# (Optional) Whether to use path style URLs when communicating with S3.
# Defaults to false.
# This allows providers like LocalStack, Minio and Wasabi (and possibly others) to be used to host tech docs.
s3ForcePathStyle: false

# (Optional) AWS Server Side Encryption
# Defaults to undefined.
# If not set, encrypted buckets will fail to publish.
sse: 'aws:kms' # or AES256

# Required when techdocs.publisher.type is set to 'azureBlobStorage'. Skip otherwise.

# (Required) Azure Blob Storage Container Name
containerName: 'techdocs-storage'

# (Optional) Azure blob storage connection string.
# Can be useful for local testing through azurite
# Defaults to undefined
# if provided, takes higher priority, 'techdocs.publisher.azureBlobStorage.credentials' will become irrelevant
connectionString: ''

# (Required) An account name is required to write to a storage blob container.
# (Optional) An account key is required to write to a storage container.
# If missing,AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable will be used.

# (Optional and not recommended) Prior to version [0.x.y] of TechDocs, docs
# sites could only be accessed over paths with case-sensitive entity triplets
# e.g. (namespace/Kind/name). If you are upgrading from an older version of
# TechDocs and are unable to perform the necessary migration of files in your
# external storage, you can set this value to `true` to temporarily revert to
# the old, case-sensitive entity triplet behavior.
legacyUseCaseSensitiveTripletPaths: false

# techdocs.cache is optional, and is only recommended when you've configured
# an external techdocs.publisher.type above. Also requires backend.cache to
# be configured with a valid cache store. Configure techdocs.cache.ttl to
# enable caching of techdocs assets.
# Represents the number of milliseconds a statically built asset should
# stay cached. Cache invalidation is handled automatically by the frontend,
# which compares the build times in cached metadata vs. canonical storage,
# allowing long TTLs (e.g. 1 month/year)
ttl: 3600000

# (Optional) The time (in milliseconds) that the TechDocs backend will wait
# for a cache service to respond before continuing on as though the cached
# object was not found (e.g. when the cache sercice is unavailable). The
# default value is 1000
readTimeout: 500