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TechDocs CLI

管理 TechDocs 站点的实用命令行界面Backstage.


  • 支持在 CI/CD 工作流程中生成和发布文档网站。
techdocs-cli --help
Usage: techdocs-cli [options] [command]

-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help display help for command

generate|build [options] Generate TechDocs documentation site using mkdocs.
publish [options] Publish generated TechDocs site to an external storage AWS S3,
Google GCS, etc.
serve:mkdocs [options] Serve a documentation project locally using mkdocs serve.
serve [options] Serve a documentation project locally in a Backstage app-like
help [command] display help for command



npx @techdocs/cli [command]


npm install -g @techdocs/cli
techdocs-cli [command]


###在类似 Backstage 的环境中本地预览 TechDocs 站点

techdocs-cli serve

A preview of techdocs-cli serve command

默认情况下,Docker 和技术文档容器来确保所有依赖项都已安装。 不过,可以使用--no-docker旗子

该命令启动两个本地服务器--端口为 8000 的 MkDocs 预览服务器和端口为 3000 的 Backstage 应用程序服务器。 Backstage 应用程序有一个自定义的 TechDocs API 实现,它使用 MkDocs 预览服务器作为代理来获取生成的文档文件和资产。

Backstage 实例的外观和行为可能与提供的预览应用程序不同。 要使用不同的应用程序预览文档,请使用--preview-app-bundle-path通常情况下,一个distbuild目录。

注意:当使用自定义techdocsdocker 映像,确保入口点也是ENTRYPOINT ["mkdocs"]或用--docker-entrypoint.


Usage: techdocs-cli serve [options]

Serve a documentation project locally in a Backstage app-like environment

-i, --docker-image <DOCKER_IMAGE> The mkdocs docker container to use (default: "spotify/techdocs")
--docker-entrypoint <DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT> Override the image entrypoint
--docker-option <DOCKER_OPTION...> Extra options to pass to the docker run command, e.g. ""
(can be added multiple times).
--no-docker Do not use Docker, use MkDocs executable in current user environment.
--mkdocs-parameter-clean Pass "--clean" parameter to mkdocs server running in containerized environment.
--mkdocs-parameter-dirtyreload Pass "--dirtyreload" parameter to mkdocs server running in containerized environment.
--mkdocs-parameter-strict Pass "--strict" parameter to mkdocs server running in containerized environment.
--mkdocs-port <PORT> Port for MkDocs server to use (default: "8000")
--preview-app-bundle-path <PATH_TO_BUNDLE> Preview documentation using a web app other than the included one.
--preview-app-port <PORT> Port where the preview will be served.
Can only be used with "--preview-app-bundle-path". (default: "3000")
-c, --mkdocs-config-file-name <FILENAME> Yaml file to use as config by mkdocs.
-v --verbose Enable verbose output. (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command

从文件项目生成 TechDocs 站点

techdocs-cli generate

别名:techdocs-cli build

生成命令使用@backstage/plugin-techdocs-nodeBackstage 应用程序还可以生成和发布 TechDocs 站点,前提是techdocs.builder设置为'local'app-config.yaml请看配置参考.

默认情况下,该命令使用 Docker 和技术文档容器但可以使用--no-docker旗子


techdocs-cli generate --help
Usage: techdocs-cli generate|build [options]

Generate TechDocs documentation site using MkDocs.

--source-dir <PATH> Source directory containing mkdocs.yml and docs/ directory. (default: ".")
--output-dir <PATH> Output directory containing generated TechDocs site. (default: "./site/")
--docker-image <DOCKER_IMAGE> The mkdocs docker container to use (default: "spotify/techdocs:v1.0.3")
--no-pull Do not pull the latest docker image
--no-docker Do not use Docker, use MkDocs executable and plugins in current user environment.
--techdocs-ref <HOST_TYPE:URL> The repository hosting documentation source files e.g.
This value is same as the annotation of the corresponding
Backstage entity.
It is completely fine to skip this as it is only being used to set repo_url in mkdocs.yml
if not found.
--etag <ETAG> A unique identifier for the prepared tree e.g. commit SHA. If provided it will be stored
in techdocs_metadata.json.
--defaultPlugin <PLUGIN_NAME> Plugins which should be added automatically to the mkdocs.yaml file. (default: [])
--omitTechdocsCoreMkdocsPlugin An option to disable automatic addition of techdocs-core plugin to the mkdocs.yaml files.
Defaults to false, which means that the techdocs-core plugin is always added to the mkdocs file.
--legacyCopyReadmeMdToIndexMd Attempt to ensure an exists falling back to using <docs-dir>/ or
in case a default <docs-dir>/ is not provided. (default: false)
--runAsDefaultUser Bypass setting the container user as the same user and group id as host for Linux and MacOS (default: false)
-v --verbose Enable verbose output. (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command

发布生成的 TechDocs 站点

techdocs-cli publish --publisher-type <awsS3|googleGcs|azureBlobStorage> --storage-name <bucket/container name> --entity <namespace/kind/name>

生成 TechDocs 站点后,使用techdocs-cli generate然后,使用发布命令将静态生成的文件上传到云存储(AWS/GCS)桶或(Azure)容器中,您的 Backstage 应用程序可以读取这些文件。

的值为--entity必须是生成的 TechDocs 站点所属的 Backstage 实体。 您可以在实体的catalog-info.yaml文件中缺少命名空间。catalog-info.yaml使用default存储桶中使用的目录结构是namespace/kind/name/<files>.



Usage: techdocs-cli publish [options]

Publish generated TechDocs site to an external storage AWS S3, Google GCS, etc.

--publisher-type <TYPE> (Required always) awsS3 | googleGcs | azureBlobStorage | openStackSwift - same as techdocs.publisher.type in Backstage app-config.yaml
--storage-name <BUCKET/CONTAINER NAME> (Required always) In case of AWS/GCS, use the bucket name. In case of Azure, use container name. Same as
--entity <NAMESPACE/KIND/NAME> (Required always) Entity uid separated by / in namespace/kind/name order (case-sensitive). Example: default/Component/myEntity
--legacyUseCaseSensitiveTripletPaths Publishes objects with cased entity triplet prefix when set (e.g. namespace/Kind/name). Only use if your TechDocs backend is configured
the same way. (default: false)
--azureAccountName <AZURE ACCOUNT NAME> (Required for Azure) specify when --publisher-type azureBlobStorage
--azureAccountKey <AZURE ACCOUNT KEY> Azure Storage Account key to use for authentication. If not specified, you must set AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID &
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET as environment variables.
--awsRoleArn <AWS ROLE ARN> Optional AWS ARN of role to be assumed.
--awsEndpoint <AWS ENDPOINT> Optional AWS endpoint to send requests to.
--awsProxy <HTTPS Proxy> Optional Proxy to use for AWS requests.
--awsS3sse <AWS SSE> Optional AWS S3 Server Side Encryption.
--awsS3ForcePathStyle Optional AWS S3 option to force path style.
--awsBucketRootPath <AWS BUCKET ROOT PATH> Optional sub-directory to store files in Amazon S3
--osCredentialId <OPENSTACK SWIFT APPLICATION CREDENTIAL ID> (Required for OpenStack) specify when --publisher-type openStackSwift
--osSecret <OPENSTACK SWIFT APPLICATION CREDENTIAL SECRET> (Required for OpenStack) specify when --publisher-type openStackSwift
--osAuthUrl <OPENSTACK SWIFT AUTHURL> (Required for OpenStack) specify when --publisher-type openStackSwift
--osSwiftUrl <OPENSTACK SWIFT SWIFTURL> (Required for OpenStack) specify when --publisher-type openStackSwift
--gcsBucketRootPath <GCS BUCKET ROOT PATH> Optional sub-directory to store files in Google cloud storage
--directory <PATH> Path of the directory containing generated files to publish (default: "./site/")
-h, --help display help for command


对于试图在代理后发布 TechDocs 内容的用户,TechDocs CLI 可利用global-agent以导航代理成功连接到该位置。 要启用global-agent在运行 techdocs-cli 命令之前,需要设置以下变量:



在测试版 TechDocs (v[0.11.0]),TechDocs 使用区分大小写的实体三元组(例如default/API/name/index.html这就造成了一种限制,即要读取/渲染 TechDocs 内容,必须在 Backstage URL 中使用这种确切的情况。 截至v[0.11.0]在 TechDocs 插件中,允许在 URL 中使用任何大小写(例如:"......")。default/api/name),与目录插件的行为相匹配。

使用 TechDocs 创建的Backstage实例v[0.11.0]或更高版本的 TechDocs 升级到此版本时,则不需要此命令。migrate命令可在部署前使用,以确保文档仍可访问,而无需重建所有文档。


techdocs-cli migrate --publisher-type <awsS3|googleGcs|azureBlobStorage> --storage-name <bucket/container name> --verbose

一旦完成迁移并部署了升级版的 Backstage 插件,就可以通过重新运行命令来清理遗留的、大小写敏感的三联体文件,并使用--removeOriginal标记通过,这移动(注意:这会删除文件,因此是一种破坏性操作,应谨慎执行。

techdocs-cli migrate --publisher-type <awsS3|googleGcs|azureBlobStorage> --storage-name <bucket/container name> --removeOriginal --verbose

之后,将 TechDocs CLI 更新为v[0.7.0]以确保进一步发布时使用小写实体三元组。

注意:该命令的参数与publish命令,具体取决于您选择的存储提供商。 运行techdocs-cli migrate --help了解详情。


您需要确保您的环境能够与目标云提供商进行身份验证。techdocs-cli使用 AWS (v3)、Google Cloud 和 Azure 提供的官方 Node.js 客户端。 您可以使用环境变量和/或其他方式进行身份验证 (~/.aws/credentials,~/.config/gcloud等等)。



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